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School Rules

  1. A student must bring the School Diary daily to school.
  2. Students should be regular and punctual in attending the school.
  3. Students should be clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn every day.
  4. Discipline should be maintained in the school campus.
  5. Students are expected to respect the school property and property of others.
  6. Students are advised to keep the classroom / campus as neat as possible and throw leftovers into the dustbin only.
  7. The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to school.
  8. Bringing/using of mobile phone in the School Campus is strictly prohibited.
  9. Bringing/using of chewing gums, Pan Parag, Supari, Gutkha, tobacco item, drugs, soft drinks, chips, Kurkure & Fast Food etc. to the class / school campus is strictly prohibited.
  10. The school reserves the right to suspend a student whose progress in studies is constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to others.
  11. Parents and guardians can’t visit their wards or teachers in the classroom.
  12. Students should get their Report Card signed by their parents / guardians within five days of the receipt of the Report Card.
  13. Parents / guardians may not meet the Principal / teacher without prior appointment. Visiting Hours – 11.00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m.
  14. Students are not supposed to miss teaching / games / activity period whether there is a teacher in the class or not. The time table in charge has been directed to make alternate arrangement in case a teacher is absent.
  15. As far as possible once a child has come to school, he / she should not be asked to come home on half day leave or leave from any period.
  16. Parents are requested not to send sick children to school. It is inconvenient for school to send them back.
  17. Students are allowed to come to school wearing colored clothes on their Birthdays.
  18. Remarks made in the diary should be seen, noted and signed regularly by the Parents/Guardian.
  19. Irregular attendance, Regular late coming, Insubordination, Habitual inattention to the school work, Obscenity in word or act are sufficient reasons for the temporary/permanent dismissal of a student.
  20. For offenses such as damaging school property etc., suitable action will be taken along with fine.
  21. Students should ad here to the discipline of the school whole heartedly. They should follow the bells scrupulously.

Recommendations to Guardians

  1. Check haircut, nails, uniform and punctuality of your wards in the morning.
  2. See that your ward carries books / exercise books according to the time table for that day. No extra books are allowed.
  3. Encourage your wards to take a balanced interest in studies, co-curricular activities and sports.
  4. No student will be allowed to go home without a written permission of the principal / class teachers.
  5. If your ward is absent from school he must make up all the work missed by him.
  6. Students suffering from infectious diseases like conjunctivitis, dermatitis, scabies etc. should not be sent to school.
  7. Parents are requested to respond positively to the letters/messages sent to them by the Principal/Teacher and are expected to attend the regular class-wise meetings, in the interest of the child. In case they are not able to attend the meetings for a just reason, a written note should be sent to the Principal.
  8. (a)- Parents are requested not to enter the classrooms and meet individual teachers during the class hours. In case you want to contact and consult any teacher about your child, please do so by appointment, through the pages of the school diary.
    (b)- If your child is facing any problem in the class, please bring it to the direct notice of the school authorities. No parent is allowed to make any inquiry from any other student of the class.
    (c)- Parents are requested not to criticize or talk ill of any teacher in the presence of their child, as it is likely to impair the respect and regard for the teacher, which in turn will retard the learning. If you have a genuine grievance against any teacher, please contact the school authorities.

Rules for Absence

  1. Students who have been sick should bring a medical certificate from their doctor on joining school.
  2. Parents should fill up the “Record of Absence” of their ward stating the reasons for absence.
  3. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
    (a)  Chicken pox: Till complete falling of the scab
    (b)  Cholera: Till the child is completely well
    (c)  Measles: Two weeks after the rash disappears
    (d)  Mumps: Until the swellings has gone, about one months
    (e)  Whooping cough: Six weeks
    (f)  Jaundice: Six weeks after recovery
  4. If the absence exceeds 3 days; a written application must be forwarded to the Principal.
  5. Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than 30 consecutive days renders the students liable to have his name struck off the rolls. Re-admission may be granted only on payment of a fresh admission fee.
  6. All students are expected to attend school on the opening day after each of the vacation.
  7. It is compulsory for student to complete 80% of their attendance in the year to make them eligible to sit for their final examination. The percentage, however, could be relaxed on medical grounds, but such students will not be eligible to receive any prizes.


  1. One clear calendar month’s notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of such notice must be given before a pupil can be withdrawn.
  2. Transfer certificate will not be issued until all dues of the school are settled.
  3. Student can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds.
    (a)  Indiscipline
    (b)  Unsatisfactory progress in work
  4. A student who fails twice in the same class will not be permitted to continue his / her studies in the school.
  5. It is always advisable to write to the school about the problems of your ward or for seeking guidance. Your letters / e-mail will be replied after discussion with the concerned teachers / persons.