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“A library implies an act of faith which generations, still in darkness hid; sign in their night in witness of dawn.”
– Victor Hugo.

Books are one of the best tools for training and upbringing. The school has well stocked and state of art library cum reading room which serves as a hunt for those who carve for intellectual nourishment. There are two separate Reading Rooms cum Libraries for juniors and seniors. Our library focuses on providing an excellent educational environment. It is equipped with a good extensive collection of books, CDs/DVDs and periodical subscriptions, which include magazines and newspapers. Resources are being continually added to the existing collection. PRFS is one of the few schools to have separate library for juniors and seniors.

  1. Admission to the library is free to all the students in their schedule Library classes.
  2. Bring your Reader’s Card & Student Diary whenever you visit library & want to borrow books.
  3. “Record of Library Books Issued” and “Record of Library Books Read” details (page no175- 178) should be filled by the student, whenever they come for their Library Classes and Issue any book for their Home.
  4. Deposit your issued Books in library 15 days before the commencement of your session ending examination.
  5. Maintain pin drop silence in library.
  6. Avoid visiting library when other classes period is going on.
  7. Personal books/magazines, non- book material, text- books, issued books, bags, water-bottle, parcels or any other type of belongings are not allowed in the library (except School Diary and issued library material to be returned).
  8. Don’t mark anything on or inside the book/ magazine or non-book material, tear down its leaf, or otherwise damage it.
  9. Students found mutilating the pages of book or periodicals, or otherwise damage them, will have to make good the loss with fine as per the rules of the library and will be debarred from the use of the library services which may be extended to few days to whole year which is suitable.
  10. Reader’s Card is the school property, inform immediately to the Librarian in case of loss of your Reader’s Card. Loss of your reader’s card will be considered only once in a session. Without reader’s card books are not issued to any student in any circumstances.
  11. Every student from class III on wards are entitled to issue one book for seven (07) days.
  12. Books & other library reading material lent out are liable to called, if required, even before the expiry of the period. Students are fully responsible for the safety & security of issued books.
  13. If book or other reading or library material is lost by any student he/she shall be required to replace the same book or pay such compensation with fine (adding 20% on book cost) to School Office.
  14. Circulation (‘issue/return) will take place only in allotted library periods & once in a week.
  15. New periodicals / Magazines will be issued only after 2 months.
  16. Reference books like Guide Books, Practice Papers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, year books, directories, and gazetteers etc. will not be lent out or circulated, these must be used in library premises, during schedule library periods only.
  17. Periodicals, journals or magazines as well as such books, which cannot bear the strain of handling, valuable for its rarity, set of books will not be lent out or circulated.
  18. A student may not be allowed to borrow books or other reading material till he/she has paid the fine levied against him/her.
  19. Borrower’s card (reader’s card) is non- transferable.
  20. Sub-lending of books is prohibited.
  21. An initiative to promote Academic Excellence, Academic Excellence Reader’s Card issued to the student on the basis of previous class academic performance.